Rossanna Echegoyén, LCSW (She/Her/Hers)

Rossanna Echegoyen, LCSW

Remote office located in Brooklyn, NY.
Phone: 646 785 6786

Rossanna Echegoyén, LCSW is a Latina/Bilingual Psychoanalyst who is the first BIPOC Co-Director at Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis in New York City. Formerly the Director of the One Year Program in Psychoanalysis and the Sociopolitical World, she collaborated with CORE Committee on Race and Ethnicity to shape the current constellation of a program that intersects the sociopolitical context and psychoanalysis. She is founder and former Co-Chair of the Committee on Race and Ethnicity at MIP, Co-Founder of the Psychoanalytic Coalition for Social Justice (formerly the Inter-Institute Task Force on DEI - a collaboration of various institutes in NYC), serves on the Board of Division 39-Section 9 ("Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility") and is Co-Editor of The Psychoanalytic Activist. She comes to the Mitchell Relational Study Center with 18 years of clinical experience in community mental health clinics, hospitals and primary care in low-income neighborhoods and at detention facilities. Her current focus is on community psychoanalysis providing treatment and immigration evaluations to detainees awaiting deportation at ICE detention facilities in New York and New Jersey. Her ongoing activist work centers on community organizing within analytic circles, namely addressing structural racism in psychoanalytic training. She is Faculty and Supervisor at various institutes in New York and is Adjunct Faculty at the Smith School of Social Work. Her primary practice is in New York City and provides remote therapy to California residents.

Certificate in Psychoanalysis (2011), Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (2006)
Masters in Social Work, Hunter College (2005)
Bachelors - International Relations, American University

Rossanna Echegoyén Curriculum Vitae